Monday 10 June 2013

For a first order reaction, show that time required for 99% completion is twice the time required for the completion of 90% of reaction.

Question 4.18: For a first order reaction, show that time required for 99% completion is twice the time required for the completion of 90% of reaction.
Given that
Order of reaction = first
Let Initial amount = 100 g
Amount in % after 90 % completion = 100 - 90 = 10%
Amount in g [R]= 10% of 100g = 10g
Amount in % after 99 % completion = 100 - 99 = 1%
Amount in g [R]= 1% of 100g = 1g
Use the formula of first order reaction

We observe that t2 = 2t1
Hence, for a first order reaction, time required for 99% completion is twice the time required for the completion of 90% of reaction


  1. Please edit it for more understanding..And thank you for help

  2. there's a slight error;
    1st line:
    "time required for the completion of 99% of the reaction"
    2nd line should be for 90%

    you just swapped it so that is the mistake here. its ok though. those who can understand the concept then u can find the mistake easily unlike these retards who just say "helpful nice bhai comments" lmao gotta tell ya'll fucking cringe worthy dogs.
