Tuesday 3 November 2020

Clauses, principal, subordinate, co-ordinate clause, in Hindi, example, exercises

The Clause (उपवाक्य)-

ऐसा वाक्य जो किसी बड़े वाक्य का हिस्सा होता है, Clause कहलाता है l दूसरे शब्दों में कहे तो ऐसा वाक्य जिसमे एक से अधिक वाक्य मिले होते है, के प्रत्येक वाक्य को clause कहते हैं l Clause (उपवाक्य) शब्दों के उस समूह को कहते हैं, जो एक बड़े वाक्य का भाग हो तथा जिसका अपना एक कर्ता (subject) तथा एक finite verb हो। A clause may form part of a sentence or it may be a complete sentence in itself (A sentence which has more than one sentence, it's every sentence is called as clause.) For Examples- He said that you are working in the school. Its said that she is honest. I understand whatever you teach. Kinds of Clause(उपवाक्य के प्रकार): Clause निम्नलिखित 3 प्रकार का होता है- (a)- Principal Clause(प्रधान उपवाक्य) (b)- Subordinate Clause(आश्रित उपवाक्य) (c)- Co-ordinate clause(समान पदीय उपवाक्य) (a)- Principal Clause(प्रधान उपवाक्य):- This Clause is the main part of sentence. As it contains the subject as well as the finite verb and the object, it can make complete sense itself. It does not have to depend upon any other Clause. ऐसा वाक्य जो स्वंय अपना पूर्ण अर्थ देता है, अर्थात अपने अर्थ के लिए दूसरे sentence पर निर्भर नहीं करता, Principal Clause कहलाता है l For Examples- I don’t know where he lives. We should remember God wherever we go. He told me that he had finished his work. He said that they were working in the field. As soon as I reached home, my friend came. Subordinate Noun Clause(आश्रित संज्ञा उपवाक्य)-- A subordinate clause cannot stand alone. It is not independent. A subordinate clause has a subject and a verb, but it cannot stand alone as a complete sentence. Let’s look at some examples; A Subordinate Clause depends on a Main Clause for its complete meaning. प्रधान उपवाक्य (main clause) और गौण उपवाक्य (subordinate clause) को जो शब्द जोड़ता है उसे Subordinating Conjunctions कहते है।Common subordinating conjunctions include: After As Since Because Before In order that If Now that Than That Though Thus Until Whether While When इसे उदाहरण के साथ समझो: After they had talked over the mobile, I jotted down what they had discussed. (गौण उपवाक्य) (प्रधान उपवाक्य) If he win the award (he=subject; win=verb) Since the sun would shine tomorrow (the sun=subject; would shine=verb) When he was sick (he=subject; was=verb) Because father said so (father=subject; said=verb) When he was ten (he=subject; was=verb) Since it would rain tomorrow (it=subject; would rain=verb) Who is your best friend (not written as a question-who=subject; is=verb) If you pass the test (you=subject; pass=verb) Examples--- Subordinate Clause तीन प्रकार के होते हैं-वह subordinate clause जो noun की तरह कार्य करता है, अर्थात जो principal clause की क्रिया के subject के रूप में कार्य करता है, Subordinate Noun Clause कहलाता है l ऐसा वाक्य जो स्वंय अपना पूर्ण अर्थ नहीं देता है, अर्थात अपने अर्थ के लिए दूसरे sentence पर निर्भर करता है, Subordinate Clause कहलाता है l A subordinate clause is a clause in a sentence which adds to the information given in the main clause. A subordinate clause has a subject and a verb. (I=subject; said=verb)Examples Examples---Though I am poor, I am happy. As she was ill, she could not go to school. I met my wife in Aligarh, where she grew up from a young age. Once my wife finishes work, we will go to shopping in evening. My brother has to be in at eight o clock because I told him to be. She got her first puppy when she was five years old. You should take an umbrella because it will rain today. This is Mohit, who is my friend. You will be able to buy a car if you complete your driving test. When I go to the market in evening I must buy some things. Co-ordinate clause(समान पदीय उपवाक्य) The subordinate clause is a type of clause which depend on the main clause. On its own, a subordinate clause cannot make a complex sentence. This type of clause has a verb and a subject, it is also known as a dependent clause. Each of two or more clauses in a sentence that make separate parallel statements and are joined by and, or but, etc. are coordinate clauses. In English grammar, a coordinate clause is a clause that is introduced by one of the coordinating conjunctions--most commonly and or but. जो अव्यय दो वाक्यों या वाक्यांशों को जोड़ते हैं, उन्हें संयोजक कहा जाता है। उसे “joining words” याने जोड़ने वाले शब्द के नाम से भी जानते है। There are seven coordinating conjunctions in English: For And Nor But Or Yet So In the following examples, the coordinating conjunctions have been italicized for easy identification. They knocked down all the buildings and built a cricket stadium. ( यहाँ and दो वाक्यों को जोड़ता है) Are there five or six people living in this house? (यहाँ or जोड़ने वाले शब्द है) My jeans look smart but not very easy to wear. (यहाँ but दो वाक्यों को जोड़ता है) You can eat cake with a spoon or fork. His brother enjoys being bathed but hates getting his nails trimmed. Mohit refuses to eat potatoes , nor will he touch carrots. She hates to waste a drop of water, for it is very expensive these days. It is blossom time, and the days are getting warmer. I wasn't a fan of most fruits, but I didn't mind peas. She likes egg ____ not fish. A. and B. since C. but D. for E. or ____ it rains on Monday, She will not be able to drive. A. After B. When C. Either D. If E. Yet I like both dogs ______ mouse. A. also B. but C. and D. if E. until The items are on sale in the market _____ not online. A. but B. and C. although D. or E. while Neither my brother _____ my father will be able to attend the party on Monday. A. or B. not C. and D. nor E. also 6. Mohan didn’t know whether her car would be fixed _____ if he would have to walk. A. but B. and C. nor D. or E. either 7. Sohan was late to the party ______ his car broke down on the way. A. if B. because C. while D. although E. where. The Clause (उपवाक्य)- ऐसा वाक्य जो किसी बड़े वाक्य का हिस्सा होता है, Clause कहलाता है l ऐसा वाक्य जिसमे एक से अधिक वाक्य मिले होते है, के प्रत्येक वाक्य को clause कहते हैं l Clause (उपवाक्य) शब्दों के उस समूह को कहते हैं, जो एक बड़े वाक्य का भाग हो तथा जिसका अपना एक कर्ता (subject) तथा एक finite verb हो। A clause may form part of a sentence or it may be a complete sentence in itself (A sentence which has more than one sentences, it's every sentence is called as clause.) For Examples- He said that you are working in the hospital. Its said that she is honest. I understand whatever you teach. Kinds of Clause(उपवाक्य के प्रकार): Clause निम्नलिखित 3 प्रकार का होता है- (a)- Principal Clause(प्रधान उपवाक्य) (b)- Subordinate Clause(आश्रित उपवाक्य) (c)- Co-ordinate clause(समान पदीय उपवाक्य) Principal Clause-- This Clause is the main part of sentence. As it contains the subject as well as the finite verb. it can make complete sense itself. It does not have to depend upon any other Clause. ऐसा वाक्य जो स्वंय अपना पूर्ण अर्थ देता है, अर्थात अपने अर्थ के लिए दूसरे sentence पर निर्भर नहीं करता, Principal Clause कहलाता है l For Examples- I don’t know where he lives. We should remember God wherever we go. She told me that she had finished her work. He said that they are working in the field. As soon as he reached home, my friend came. Subordinate Noun Clause(आश्रित संज्ञा उपवाक्य)-- A subordinate clause cannot stand alone. It is not independent. A subordinate clause has a subject and a verb, but it cannot stand alone as a complete sentence. Let’s look at some examples; A Subordinate Clause depends on a Main Clause for its complete meaning. प्रधान उपवाक्य (main clause) और गौण उपवाक्य (subordinate clause) को जो शब्द जोड़ता है उसे Subordinating Conjunctions कहते है। Common subordinating conjunctions include: इसे उदाहरण के साथ समझो: After we had talked over the telephone, I jotted down what we had discussed.(गौण उपवाक्य) (प्रधान उपवाक्य) If he win the award (he=subject; win=verb) Since the sun will shine today (the sun=subject; will shine=verb) When she was ill (she=subject; was=verb) Because father said so (mom=subject; said=verb) Examples--- As she was ill, she could not go to school. I met my wife in London, where she grew up from a young age. Once my husband finishes work, we will go shopping. My son has to be in at seven o clock because I told him to be. She got her first dog when she was four years old. You should take an umbrella because it will rain today. This is Jim, who is my cousin. You will be able to buy a car if you complete your driving test. When I go to the supermarket I must buy some bread. Co-ordinate clause(समान पदीय उपवाक्य) The subordinate clause is a type of clause which relies on the main clause in order to form a full sentence. On its own, a subordinate clause cannot make a complex sentence. This type of clause has a verb and a subject just like any other clause does, it is also known as a dependent clause. Each of two or more clauses in a sentence that make separate parallel statements have similar patterns and are joined by and, or but, etc. are coordinate clauses. In English grammar, a coordinate clause is a clause that is introduced by one of the coordinating conjunctions--most commonly and or but. जो अव्यय दो वाक्यों या वाक्यांशों को जोड़ते हैं, उन्हें संयोजक कहा जाता है। उसे “joining words” याने जोड़ने वाले शब्द के नाम से भी जानते है। There are seven coordinating conjunctions in English: For And Nor But Or Yet So In the following examples, the coordinating conjunctions have been italicized for easy identification. They knocked down all the buildings and built a cricket stadium. (and – यहाँ दो वाक्यों को जोड़ता है) Are there three or four people living in this house? (or – यहाँ जोड़ने वाले शब्द है) My sneakers look great but are not very easy to wear. (but- यहाँ दो वाक्यों को जोड़ता है) You can eat cake with a spoon or fork. His brother enjoys being bathed but hates getting his nails trimmed. Bill refuses to eat potatoes , nor will he touch carrots. I hate to waste a drop of gas, for it is very expensive these days. It was apple-blossom time, and the days were getting warmer. I wasn't a fan of most vegetables, but I didn't mind peas. I like chicken ____ not fish. A. and B. since C. but D. for E. or ____ it rains on Sunday, I will not be able to drive. A. After B. When C. Either D. If E. Yet I like both dogs ______ cats. A. also B. but C. and D. if E. until The items are on sale in the local store _____ not online. A. but B. and C. although D. or E. while Neither my mother _____ my father will be able to attend the party on Sunday. A. or B. not C. and D. nor E. also 6. Carrie didn’t know whether her bike would be fixed _____ if she would have to walk. A. but B. and C. nor D. or E. either 7. Luke was late to the party ______ his car broke down on the highway. A. if B. because C. while D. although E. where. The Clause (उपवाक्य)- ऐसा वाक्य जो किसी बड़े वाक्य का हिस्सा होता है, Clause कहलाता है l दूसरे शब्दों में कहे तो ऐसा वाक्य जिसमे एक से अधिक वाक्य मिले होते है, के प्रत्येक वाक्य को clause कहते हैं l Clause (उपवाक्य) शब्दों के उस समूह को कहते हैं, जो एक बड़े वाक्य का भाग हो तथा जिसका अपना एक कर्ता (subject) तथा एक finite verb हो। A clause may form part of a sentence or it may be a complete sentence in itself (A sentence which has more than one sentence, it's every sentence is called as clause.) For Examples- He said that you are working in the school. Its said that she is honest. I understand whatever you teach. Kinds of Clause(उपवाक्य के प्रकार): Clause निम्नलिखित 3 प्रकार का होता है- (a)- Principal Clause(प्रधान उपवाक्य) (b)- Subordinate Clause(आश्रित उपवाक्य) (c)- Co-ordinate clause(समान पदीय उपवाक्य) (a)- Principal Clause(प्रधान उपवाक्य):- This Clause is the main part of sentence. As it contains the subject as well as the finite verb and the object, it can make complete sense itself. It does not have to depend upon any other Clause. ऐसा वाक्य जो स्वंय अपना पूर्ण अर्थ देता है, अर्थात अपने अर्थ के लिए दूसरे sentence पर निर्भर नहीं करता, Principal Clause कहलाता है l For Examples- I don’t know where he lives. We should remember God wherever we go. He told me that he had finished his work. He said that they were working in the field. As soon as I reached home, my friend came. Subordinate Noun Clause(आश्रित संज्ञा उपवाक्य)-- A subordinate clause cannot stand alone. It is not independent. A subordinate clause has a subject and a verb, but it cannot stand alone as a complete sentence. Let’s look at some examples; A Subordinate Clause depends on a Main Clause for its complete meaning. प्रधान उपवाक्य (main clause) और गौण उपवाक्य (subordinate clause) को जो शब्द जोड़ता है उसे Subordinating Conjunctions कहते है।Common subordinating conjunctions include: After As Since Because Before In order that If Now that Than That Though Thus Until Whether While When इसे उदाहरण के साथ समझो: After we had talked over the telephone, I jotted down what we had discussed. (गौण उपवाक्य) (प्रधान उपवाक्य) Since the sun will shine today (the sun=subject; will shine=verb) When she was sick (she=subject; was=verb) Because mom said so (mom=subject; said=verb) When I was five (I=subject; was=verb) Since it will rain today (it=subject; will rain=verb) Who is my best friend (not written as a question-who=subject; is=verb) If you pass the test (you=subject; pass=verb) Examples--- As she was ill, she could not go to school. I met my wife in London, where she grew up from a young age. Once my husband finishes work, we will go shopping. My son has to be in at seven o clock because I told him to be. She got her first dog when she was four years old. You should take an umbrella because it will rain today. This is Jim, who is my cousin. You will be able to buy a car if you complete your driving test. When I go to the supermarket I must buy some bread. Co-ordinate clause(समान पदीय उपवाक्य) The subordinate clause is a type of clause which relies on the main clause in order to form a full sentence. On its own, a subordinate clause cannot make a complex sentence. This type of clause has a verb and a subject just like any other clause does, it is also known as a dependent clause. Each of two or more clauses in a sentence that make separate parallel statements have similar patterns and are joined by and, or but, etc. are coordinate clauses. In English grammar, a coordinate clause is a clause that is introduced by one of the coordinating conjunctions--most commonly and or but. जो अव्यय दो वाक्यों या वाक्यांशों को जोड़ते हैं, उन्हें संयोजक कहा जाता है। उसे “joining words” याने जोड़ने वाले शब्द के नाम से भी जानते है। There are seven coordinating conjunctions in English: For And Nor But Or Yet So In the following examples, the coordinating conjunctions have been italicized for easy identification. They knocked down all the buildings and built a football stadium. (and – यहाँ दो वाक्यों को जोड़ता है) Are there five and six people living in this house? (or – यहाँ जोड़ने वाले शब्द है) My sneakers look great but are not very easy to wear. (but- यहाँ दो वाक्यों को जोड़ता है) You can eat cake with a spoon or fork. His brother enjoys being bathed but hates getting his nails trimmed. Bill refuses to eat potatoes , nor will he touch carrots. I hate to waste a drop of gas, for it is very expensive these days. It was apple-blossom time, and the days were getting warmer. I wasn't a fan of most vegetables, but I didn't mind peas. I like eggs ____ not fish. A. and B. since C. but D. for E. or ____ it rains on Monday, I will not be able to drive. A. After B. When C. Either D. If E. Yet I like both dogs ______ mouse. A. also B. but C. and D. if E. until The items are on sale in the market _____ not online. A. but B. and C. although D. or E. while Neither my brother _____ my father will be able to attend the party on Monday. A. or B. not C. and D. nor E. also Rohan didn’t know whether her bike would be fixed _____ if she would have to walk. A. but B. and C. nor D. or E. either Mohan was late to the party ______ his car broke down on the road. A. if B. because C. while D. although E. where. Exercise-- Combine each set of Simple Sentences into Compound sentences: He abused him. He slapped across his face. She has money. She leads an unhappy life. She called on him yesterday. You were not at home. When the sun rise. The fog will disappear. He works in a factory. He studies in a school. She works in a school. She studies in a college. The bell’s about to go. They should go to their classes. She will come here on Sunday. If she cannot she would come on Thursday. I will not go to Dehradun. I will not go to Nainital. Keep silent. I shall turn you out of the school. We do not borrow money. We do not lend money. Answer He abused him and she slapped across his face. She has money but she leads an unhappy life. She called on him yesterday, but you were not at home. When the sun rise and the fog will disappear. He not only works in a shop, but also studies in a college. The bell is about to go, therefore, they should go to our classes. She will come here either on Sunday or Thursday. I will go neither to Dehradun nor to Nainital. Keep quiet or I shall turn you out of the school. We neither borrow nor lend money.

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