Wednesday 4 November 2020

Active and passive voice explanation in Hindi, note, types, nominative, objective case exercise

 Active and passive voice-- वाक्य Active भी हो सकते है ओर Passive भी । उसी प्रकार क्रिया भी Active या Passive होती है । In the Active Voice, there is a straight relationship between the Subject and Verb. मुख्यतः जब किसी वाक्य में Subject की अपेक्षा Object को ज्यादा महत्व दिया जाता है तब वहाँ पर Passive Voice का प्रयोग किया जाता है! Passive Voice को वाक्य में प्रयोग करते समय "हमेशा" क्रिया ( Verb ) का "3rd" Form" प्रयोग करते हैं। Passive Voice के वाक्यों में सामान्यतः कर्म प्रधानता की बात होती है।

Note-- There are four tenses that don’t have their passive voices –

  1. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
  2. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
  3. Future Continuous Tense
  4. Future Perfect Continuous Tense.

Passive Voice के वाक्यों में Subject नहीं होता है, अगर subject होगा तो भी काम को कर्ता "By के द्वारा" वाक्य में प्रयोग करते हैं। Active sentence का object अगर objective case में है तो इसे passive sentence का object बनाने से पहले nominative case में बदल दिया जाता है तथा active sentence के subject को passive में objective case में बदल दिया जाता है.

Nominative Case Objective Case

I (मैं) me (मुझे)

We (हम) us (हमें)

You (तुम) you (तुम्हें)

They (वे लोग) them (उन्हें, उनकों)

He (वह) him (उसे, उन्हे)

She (वह) her (उसे, उन्हे)

It (यह) It (इस)

    Tense                      Passive  Voice , Helping  Verbs                      Structure of Passive

Present  Simple  Tense             am / is /  are                           object +  am/is/are  +  verb (3rd)

Simple Past Tense                   was /  were                                    object +  was/were +verb ( 3rd )

Simple  Future  Tense            will be                                              object + will be +  verb  ( 3rd )

Present  Continuous  Tense am / is /  are  +  being          object + am/is/are  being + verb ( 3rd)

 Past  Continuous  Tense        was /  were  +  being           object + was/were being + verb ( 3rd)

 Present  Perfect  Tense         have / has  +  been                    object + have/has  been  + verb ( 3rd )

 Past Perfect  Tense                had been                                             object + had been +  verb ( 3rd )

 Future  Perfect  Tense        will have  been                             object + will have been  + verb ( 3rd )

Voice   दो   प्रकार   के   होते   हैं  

Active  Voice  

 Passive  Voice



Active Voice (AV)
Helping Verbs
Passive Voice (PV)
Helping Verbs
Present Indefinite(ता, ते, ती)Do, DoesIs, Am, Are
Present Continuous(रहा है, रही है, रहे हैं)Is, Am, AreIs, Am, Are + being
Present Perfect(चुका है, चुकी है, चुके हैं, लिया है, दिया है, ली है, दी है, की है)Has, HaveHas been, Have been
Present Perfect Continuous(  रहा है, रही है, रहे हैं। समय के साथ से का प्रयोग)Has been, Have been

Past Indefinite (आया, गया, लिया, दिया, ली, दी, की)

DidWas, were
Past Continuous(रहा था, रही थी, रहे थे)Was, WereWas, Were + being
Past Perfect(चुका था, चुकी थी, चुके थे, लिया था, दिया था, ली थी, दी थी, की थी)HadHad been
Past Perfect  Continuous( रहा था, रही थी, रहे थे। समय के साथ से का प्रयोग)Had been
Future Indefinite(गा, गे, गी)WillWill be


Active Voice (AV)
Helping Verbs
Passive Voice (PV)
Helping Verbs
Present Indefinite(ता, ते, ती)Do, DoesIs, Am, Are
Present Continuous(रहा है, रही है, रहे हैं)Is, Am, AreIs, Am, Are + being
Present Perfect(चुका है, चुकी है, चुके हैं, लिया है, दिया है, ली है, दी है, की है)Has, HaveHas been, Have been
Present Perfect Continuous(  रहा है, रही है, रहे हैं। समय के साथ से का प्रयोग)Has been, Have been

Past Indefinite (आया, गया, लिया, दिया, ली, दी, की)

DidWas, were
Past Continuous(रहा था, रही थी, रहे थे)Was, WereWas, Were + being
Past Perfect(चुका था, चुकी थी, चुके थे, लिया था, दिया था, ली थी, दी थी, की थी)HadHad been
Past Perfect  Continuous( रहा था, रही थी, रहे थे। समय के साथ से का प्रयोग)Had been
Future Indefinite(गा, गे, गी)WillWill be

Passive  Voice  ------ जब  sentence का  कर्ता  सक्रिय  नहीं  हो, क्रिया  का  संपादन  नहीं  करता  हो  बल्कि  क्रिया उसपर  सम्पादित  होती  हो  तब  प्रयुक्त   Verb  को   Passive  Voice  में  होना समझा  जाता  हैंActive  Voice  ------ जब  किसी  वाक्य  का  subject  verb का  संपादन  करता  हो  तब  उस  वाक्य  में  प्रयुक्त Verb  को  Active  Voice  में  होना  समझा  जाता  हैं .


 1.  वह इस बच्चे को पीटती है।

He beats this child. (Active)

This child is beaten by him. (Passive)

2.मोहन पढ़ाई नहीं करता है।

Mohan do not study. (Active)

The study is not done by Mohan. (Passive)

            active                                               passive

Active- The hunter killed the lion.      

Passive- The lion was killed by the hunter.

 ActiveSomeone has cleaned the doors. 

Passive: The doors have been cleaned by someone.

 Active: He gave him a gift for his birthday.  

Passive: He was given a gift for his birthday.

Active: She reads a novel.

Passive: A novel is read by her.

Active: They do not cook food.

Passive: Food is not cooked by them.


Active: Does he purchase shirts?

Passive: Are shirts purchased by him?

Active: Esha is singing a song.

Passive: A song is being sung by Esha.


Active: Esha is not chopping vegetables.

Passive: Vegetables are not being chopped by Esha.


Active: Is Rohan buying a shirt?

Passive: Is a shirt being bought by Rohan?

Active: Rohit has not challenged Mohit.

Passive: Mohit has not been challenged by Rohit.


Active: Radha has not written the chapter.

Passive: The chapter has not been written by Radha.


Active: Have they left the house?

Passive: Has the house been left by them?

Active:  Reena cleaned the room.

Passive: The room was cleaned by Reena.


Active: Asha bought a car.

Passive: A car was bought by Asha.


Active: Mohit called his friend.

Passive: His friend was called by Mohit.

Active: Meena was painting the wall.

Passive: The wall was being painted by Meena.

 Active: Manu was repairing the pipe.

Passive: The pipe was being repaired by Manu.


Active: Were he reciting the poem?

Passive: Was the poem being recited by him?

Active: Misha had cleaned the floor.

Passive: The floor had been cleaned by Misha.


Active: Nidhi had not received the parcel.

Passive: The parcel had not been received by Nidhi.


Active: Mohit has solved the sum.

Passive: The sum has been solved by Mohit.

Active: Kirti will see the box.

Passive: The box will be seen by Kirti.


Active: Kirti will not arrange the books.

Passive: The books will not be arranged by Kirti.


Active: Will you mop the kitchen?

Passive: Will the kitchen be mopped by you?

Active: She will have brought the toy.

Passive: The toy will have been brought by her.


Active: Mohan will not have changed the table cover.

Passive: The table cover will not have been changed by Mohan.


Active: Will she has written the notes.

Passive: Will the notes have been written by her?

Exercise for practice--

Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.

  1. Mena collects money. - 
  2. Mohit opened the door. - 
  3. They have done their homework. - 
  4. He will ask a question. - 
  5. They can cut out the cake. - 
  6. The cow ate a lot. - 
  7. They do not clean their rooms. - 
  8. Carpenter will not repair the chairs. - 
  9. Did Mohan draw the circle? - 
  10. Could he feed the dog? - 


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