Sunday 8 November 2020

Prefix, examples, exercise, explanation, complete the sentence

 prefix is a group of letters (or an affix) that's added to the beginning of a word, and a suffix is an affix that's added to the end of a word. The group of words which we add before any word which changes the meaning of that word is called prefix. शब्दांश जो किसी शब्द से पहले जोङते है और जोङने के बाद उसका विशेष अर्थ प्रकट करते है उसे उपसर्ग कहते है। prefix means to undo something and is usually attached to a verb.

Let us see some examples, the words like:
ऩाखुश (unhappy) - ऩा + खुश here ऩा is prefix
The meaning of "खुश" is happy after adding "ऩा" meaning will change it will become unhappy.
अपमान (Insult)- अप + मान here अप is prefix
The meaning of "मान" is value after adding "अप" meaning will change it will change in insult.
दिए गए शब्दो मे उपसर्ग पता लगायें - (Find out the prefix)

  1. happy ----> unhappy
  2. finished ----> unfinished
  3. believable ----> unbelievable
  4. acceptable ----> unacceptable
  5. dis- disagree
  6. in-, im- incorrect, impossible
  7. mis- incorrectly, misunderstand
  8. re- redo (do again)
  9. un- uninteresting
  10. under- below, lower

  1. विज्ञान (Science) - वि (उपसर्ग) ज्ञान
  2. संचार (mode) - सम् (उपसर्ग) चार
  3. उपवन (Garden) - उप (उपसर्ग) वन
  4. संसार (World) - सम् (उपसर्ग) सार
  5. परेशान(uneasy) - परे (उपसर्ग) शान
  6. दुर्घटना (Accident)- दुर (उपसर्ग) घटना
  7. निर्धन (cashless) - निर (उपसर्ग) धन
  8. अवगुण ( bad manners) - अव (उपसर्ग) गुण
  9. प्रगति ( Progress) - प्र (उपसर्ग) गति
  10. पराजय ( Defeat) - परा ( उपसर्ग) जय




Examples Words



अभाव – Lack 



अत्याचार - Torture



स्वतंत्र - Freedom



विदेश - Foreign



अवगुण -  Bad Attitude



प्रत्येक - Every



अधिवक्ता - Lawyer



सफल -  Success



सुचित - Inform



निस्संदेह - Doubtless



प्रभाव- Effect



पराजय - Defeat


 सब ओर

परिवर्तन - Change



संतोष - Satisfaction



कुरूप - Ugly



दुर्गती -Bad condition



निशान- Scratch



उत्तर- Answer



उपयुक्त -Right



आकर -Came



अनुराग – नाम



अपयश - Insult



अभिप्राय – Often

अभिनेता – Actor'SUFFIX'
अंत में जोड़ना,An alphabet or group of letters which are included at the end of any word to form a different word or to change the meaning of the word is called suffix.
वैसा शब्दांश जो किसी शब्द के बाद लगाकर उसका विशेष अर्थ प्रकट करता है जो अक्षर या अक्षर-समूह लगाये जाते है, उन्हें प्रत्यय कहते है। suffix (also called ending).
  • present ----> presentable
  • comfort ----> comfortable
  • depend ----> dependable
  • reach ----> reachable
1. आई 
Examples: पढाई – reading,लिखाई – writing, बुनाई – Weaving,कमाई  – Earnings,बधाई - Congrats,लड़ाई Fight

2. इया
Examples: बढ़िया – good, घटिया – bad,सरिया-Iron 

3. आ
Examples: भूला – lost,मेरा- Mera,घेरा  – surrounded,तेरा-Your

4. ई 
Examples: धनी– rich, क्रोधी – angry, सखी-Friend,लालची – greedy,मेरी-My,चेरी-Cheery

5. अकः 
Examples: लेखक– writer,नमक-Salt, कृषिक – farmer, सेवक– Servan), भावुक-Senstive

6. अनीय 
Examples: स्मरणीय–memorable, निंदनीय – condemn-able, आदरणीय – Respected

7. आस 
Examples: खटास – bitterness, मिठास  – sweetness

8. आर
Examples: सुनार– jeweler, लुहार – smith, कुम्हार – potter, इतिहासकार – historian

9. वाला 
Examples: सब्जीवाला-fruit seller,फलवाला-fruit retailer, घरवाला house owner, मिठाईवाला-Sweet seller

10. शाली 
Examples: बलशाली – strong, शक्तिशाली – powerful, प्रभावशाली  – effective
ish- childish
er- worker
less- tasteless
able likeable
eer- , volunteer, engineer, profiteer
ness- fondness, awareness, kindness, darkness
er- helper, teacher, boxer, dancer, faster, bigger, longer
ity-probability, equality ,ability, cavity
y- brainy, fruity, tasty
ion-celebration, opinion, decision, revision
able, -ible-preventable, acceptable, predictable, credible
ment- movement, retirement, establishment
al- practical, natural, criminal, seasonal
ant- infant, defiant, brilliant, reliant
ful-grateful, beautiful, wonderful, 
ive- creative, expensive, expressive, positive
ary- budgetary, planetary, military, honorary
less- hopeless, fearless, restless, waterless
ing- laughing, swimming, driving, writing
ly- bravely, simply, honestly, partly
ship- worship, ownership, internship, friendship
th-strength, path, depth, warmth
ed- laughed, bathed, called, kicked
en- soften, fasten, lengthen
or-distributor, translator, conductor
sion- depression, confusion, tension, compulsion.
Exercise- Prefixes
Complete the sentences by writing the correct prefix in the blank space. You can use a dictionary to help you.

dis-  in- mis-  re-  un-  under
  1. I just like it! The movie is _____believable!
  2. Yes, this answer is _____correct. It is wrong.
  3. Look your paper again. We should _____view it before the test.
  4. I saw Mohit just a month ago, but now I could not see her! It seems that she _____appeared!
  5. I'm sorry, I didn't hear you properly. I _____understood you.

Put the word in brackets into the correct form. You will have to use prefixes and/or suffixes.

  1. She was sitting __ in his class. (comfort)
  2. There is __ light coming from the door. (green)
  3. It is very hot. He needs to -----A.C. the temperature. (regular)
  4.  This word is very difficult to spell it is difficult to__. (pronounce)
  5. He's lost his book again. I don't know where he has ____ it this time. (place)
  6. She is laughing very----- (loud)
  7. I am ---- to her. (great)
  8. Some of the people in towns are dreadfully ____ . (crowd)
  9. They have won the_____ . (champion)
  10. There is a very high ______ that they will be late. (likely)
  11. I couldn't find any _____ in him. He is alright. (weak)
  12. You need to be a highly trained ____. (play)
  13. We need ----- in his birthday.(celebrate)
  14. She arrived reached late at school because she had____ . (sleep)
  15. There is ----- before law.(equal)
  16. He is accused of _____ documents. (false)
  17. They had to ____ the lion before they could catch it. (tranquil)
  18. He is ---- checking the temperature. (regular)
  19. The student is ------- to the teacher(answer)

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